Friday, April 27, 2007


I've got pics, and totals for this past week's race.

Knitted this week:

Another snuggle in Caron Perfect Match--170g.
Baby hat in Cascade 220 Superwash--52.45g.
Baby hat in Cascade 22o Superwash--63.79.
(These 3 were knit double.)

Felted pincushion with some leftover Catalina Chunky Baby Alpaca/Merino (yeah, I *thought* it was all gone). Now, if just the pincushion is counted, it's 28.35g. But I stuffed it with yarn scraps. That weight is 77.96g. I'll go with whichever weight y'all want. Without the stuffing, my total is 314.59g. With the stuffing, it's 364.2.


Here's the April layout on the couch:

Here's the first half of the month. The dates correspond to the posts. Sorry for the funky angle--I was trying to avoid casting a shadow.

This is the second half, including today's post. I love that pink Cascade! The funky looking green thing is the pincushion. You can sort of make out the tapestry needle stuck in it.

Things are getting back to normal here, which is making me very very very happy! Now, if I could only find where that other size 7 needle went to...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Rain, rain - hold off for a minute

I just spent over an hour trying to sign in here, the storm is moving in fast, so not going to take time to upload the picture for this week (if you have seen one sock you have seen them all), my computer almost always locks up in the storm, so really trying to hurry here as I may not be back on for a week.

This week (I will admit I slept through the race) - I am really screwed up with the Sat race - convinced myself it was Sun and then realized that Mon was now Sun and when I finally got that straight ------- well, you get the picture. It must be old age - this retirement business is for the birds - when you don't have to get up to go to work, the days all run together.

Anyway, I finished another pair of socks which have been mailed off for the birthday present. I changed my mind at the last minute, kept one of the pairs I was sending and knit another color combination. Six pairs of socks in that package, I don't really know that the color of the last pair is all that important, but maybe she will wear them. Anyway, that would be 100 gr. of yarn and 25 for finishing. I finished them Sun, no Sat :-)

I have also completed four squares for an afghan that will be mailed out. By the weight on the full skein I finished and the partial for the last square, I used 200 grams. Seems high, but I only got the three squares out of a new skein, maybe it is just because I am so use to fingering weight. I have no idea on the points for the four squares - probably 10, but just guessing.

Does anyone have the list of what we get points for so I don't have to keep asking. If it is in the file section, forget it, nothing opens for me there.

Just read this again and it sounds like I am in a bad mood, I'm really not, just trying to hurry. The phone lines go the minute it starts to rain here and that will cut off my computer - even if my computer doesn't lock up like it usually does.


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Finally have some points for the Phoenix race!

Baby Kimono
Here are 4 of the 8 slipped stitch dishcloths that I made over the past week. I will say that I gave these 4 away and then the other 4 not pictured were sold at my MIL's mother's quilt shop.

Also not pictured is a pair of fuzzy feet that were a replacement pair for my husband's great grandmother that is 100.

Well after two weeks of ZERO knitting, I finally have points. I calculated the FO's for 538.640 grams, or 19 ounces.

How did I finish this much stuff? Jury duty on Monday and then standardized testing in which I don't do much teaching. I don't have pictures of everything (I gave away some and sold a few), but here are the ones I have.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Woo hoo!

My smallest amount yet!! 150g!!

I used 100g of the alpaca/merino for a small hat (used double). It was the last of that yarn (I'd bought 4 hanks of it ages ago).

While packing for our move, I found a scarf I started at the beginning of Feb. that got buried under other yarn purchases. It needed the next skein attached, so I did. And *finally* finished it. I'm only counting the one skein (50g of Mmmmmalabrigo) since I started it before this KAL.

I haven't found the cord for the camera yet, so sorry, no pics! It's here somewhere...

On the bright side, we're mostly in the new house (the big furniture comes Monday). The cats are adapting, and I didn't have to pack the contents of the fridge. Well, I sort of packed 'em...into the garbage! We were without power for two days--knitting by candlelight doesn't really work for me. (And is yet another reason for my paltry total. ) I'm looking forward to getting my stash organized in the new house. :)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

a couple weeks of knitting

This post is a little late, but . . .

I'm glad there were two weeks between races, because I didn't get a lot done this week. Last week I did a bit of destashing - two 4oz skeins of vintage Lion Brand wool to a friend (4oz = 117g, unless I did the math way wrong), and a 150g skein of acrylic that I brought to school for use in a pendulum experiment and I have no intention of bringing home (does that count as destashing?). For knitting, I completed two hats, a baby sock, and a to-be-felted slipper. My camera is broken so there aren't any pictures at the moment. I'd estimate the total weight at about 580g, destashing included. Holy crap, I think I actually made it!

Have a great week - happy knitting everybody!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

SOCKS, Socks and more socks

Somehow I can't seem to get away from making socks. I made (well finished) six pair - the large maroon ones are the birthday socks from He** and I finally finished them. The yellow were started before and left in the box (can't see myself wearing them) and when the temp dropped, they looked better and better for bed socks.

Anyway, the sock total for yarn used would be 700 grams and for finished socks would be another 150 points, I believe.

I sent a box of yarn to Jeanie Townsend as she requested donations and that was 1,750 grams.

I also received an envelope of yarn for my birthday - that totaled 500 grams, but I don't think we get credit for that.

I think I also have a race total in there also. I can't open the file and I can't find what we get totals for, so I am just guessing here. If you could add this mess up for me and come up with a total I would really appreciate it

Back to knitting - guess what - SOCKS.


Monday, April 16, 2007

What is up with CRAZY PEOPLE!?!

I didn't score tickets and I didn't even get to watch the race. I had to go to a wedding. Who in their right mind would schedule their wedding on race day!?!?! Crazy people!

I got a **few** points this week. I think I have officially destashed all of my fabric. Now I have a clean start. I can start filling those drawers back up! LoL

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Texas Weather

I just thought I would share some amazing photos of the track and the storm. You can see more at Star-Telegram.Com. I didn't have the pleasure of being at the speedway or taking these pics, as I was huddled in my 4x3 closet with my boyfriend, dog, and mini-tv, because of the last photo. There wasn't even enough room for knitting!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Let's hear it for knitting in the car!

And while waiting for a table and when no one came into the library for an hour...

2 burp cloths in Peaches & Creme Sea Mist: 56.7g each.
1 baby hat in the Catalina Chunky Alpaca Merino: 52.45g.
1 baby hat in Misti Alpaca: 28.35g.
1 toddler hat in Catalina Chunky Alpaca Merino (knit double): 100g. I had *just* enough yarn.

Total g used: 294.2.

The burp cloths are M&D. I used the hat patterns here and here. I'm thinking pics might have to wait until after the move.

And if anybody feels like helping us pack.... :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

No finished knitting!

No points for me this week. Didn't finish anything, although I did add another skein of yarn to the men's scarf I'm knitting! It's a really light yarn, though, and at best a sportweight size, which adds up to lots of knitting for not many points.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Have to use my destash count

I donated a full XXL size Zip-lock bag (I HEART THESE STORAGE BAGS!) (about seven pounds of yarn) - beautiful yarn - Mt. Colors Bearfoot - Araucania Nature Wool - D'Zined wool/mohair/hemp worsted and sports weight - Frog Tree alpaca - and others that I have blocked from memory. For two good causes: 1) "Live simply so that others may simply live." and 2) the prisoner support group. That's about 3175 grams, which seems outlandish to count, but there you have it.

I did do some knitting, too. I finished another 2-headed hat (what I call the reversible stocking cap). I also have not credited myself with the Irish hiking scarf and baby blanket. I'll bring them all in this week, weigh and picture them for next week's race. (That's okay, isn't it? I don't think I'm breaking any rules or offending anyone. If so, tell me and I won't count them. Not a problem!)

Monday, April 2, 2007

Due to the lack of knitting....

I didn't score any points for the Nascar KAL. Sad, really. I think I knit a whole 3 rounds on my Dreambaby Sock #1 for the whole week.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Not much for this week....

This week I didn't get much knitted. I did manage to finish a pair of ankle socks:

Total of 40 grams used up in this pair of socks. I know last week I included them in my total, so I don't know if I get the full 40 gram points or just the 10 grams I knit this week. Either way, I didn't knit much!

Hopefully this week I will have knit a little more.

PS: I'm so lame... I missed the end of the race!! I ended up being dragged out to the grocery store :o(

pathetic, I tell you!

Not a whole lot of productive knitting this week, I'm afraid. I started on a pair of socks for my almost-one-year-old daughter, a pair of toe-up Baby Jaywalker socks. These are my first toe-up socks and my first with a stitch pattern instead of plain stockinette. So I had to frog a couple times, and I ended up finishing a grand total of one baby sock. A whole week for a teeny tiny sock! It's pretty cute, though:

I hope everybody has a great week - and enjoy the holiday!

A relatively quiet week

Only one hat this week--a pretty green stockinette cap in Catalina Chunky (60% baby alpaca/40% merino). This was the green that I used in the ribbed hat a couple of weeks ago. Total g used for this hat: 85.04.

A burp cloth (using one of the M/D patterns) in Peaches & Creme baby green. 70.87g. There will be more baby-related knitting in the months to come. And it's not for me. Not yet, anyway ;)

A snuggle for the Snuggles Project in Caron Perfect Match, knit double to make it cushier (is cushier a word? or should it be more cushy?). It's 16" x 16" approximately, and weighs 177.18g. I was blown away at how quickly this knitted up. I've got another skein of this floating around. Now I know what to do with it. And there's an organization in town that accepts them, so once I finish some more (and wash 'em) I can take them there.

Total g used this week: 333.09. Pics will be up later.